A couple of days after Chloe and Sabrina's birth, Adam and Drake moved to university. Instead of living in a dorm like everyone else, the twins and their girlfriends rented a small house.
From left to right: Adam, Adam's girlfriend Kimberly, Drake's girlfriend, Scarlett, and Drake.
Adam and Kimberly are Alchemy majors. Drake is majoring in Sports Studies, and Scarlett is majoring in performance art.
Chloe and Sabrina are now toddlers
Chloe is very musical she love singing the nursery rhyme and playing the xylophone. Sabrina is very playful. She like riding the spring rider and playing with blocks.
Chloe and Sabrina have a birthday.

Mimi has planned a huge party for Chloe and Sabrina. Mimi wants the girls to go to private school, but Donya wants Chloe to got to public school. Sabrina said that she wants to go to school with Chloe since they are BFFs, so they both are now enrolled in public school. Chloe reminds Mimi of Bella because she loves fashion and music. Sabrina reminds Mimi of Justy because she is very playful, but she is obsessed with the playground instead of Justy's old train set. The girls are always seen together. They wanted to share a bedroom so Donya and Zora let them stay in Alexa's and Zora's old room in Zaxxon house. They are currently planning a big slumber party.
Justy recently passed away from disease, but Mimi thinks he really died of sadness wanting to be reunited with Bethany. Although Mimi is saddened by Justy's death, the girls always cheer her up.